Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The unknown worlds...

I cannot sleep. I probably should be in bed right now, because I will have school tomorrow no matter how much I wish it away. but since I am awake I might as well write a little. I won't write a lot but I figured I should write something cause some people may say I'm slacking ^.^ only by a few months. If any of you are interested in the "woes" of my heart at the moment. You should know I am senior in H.s. so which college, tuition, and if I'm choosing to do what God leads me to do is always on my mind. And man is it stressing. I know I have to trust God for all of this and everything will be okay in the end. But its always nice to vent sometimes. =) Good thing you guys are here! Another thing that has been really bothering me lately is Human trafficking. Which usually I'm not going to lie is almost never on my mind, but I was looking through some websites. And the more I read on it the more sick to my stomach I was. I was infuriated with these men and people who would dare think this is okay. I was frustrated that I couldn't do anything to help. I was mad, that I was enjoying life almost carefree compared to a little girl used everyday for something I couldn't even imagine. I was just mad and stuck. So what do I do? I cried. I prayed. And I bought a t-shirt to support an organization. With the t-shirt was a little thing about stats, would you like to hear some?
  • At least 27 million people are currently enslaved around the globe. 75% of them are enslaved for sexual exploitation. *another person is bought or sold every 8 SECONDS. And every 30 seconds, that victim is a child.
  • Each year over 600,000 people are trafficked across international borders for the purpose of sexual exploitation. * 80% of these are female. 50% are children.
  • Nearly every country on the face of the earth is involved in the global sex trade both as a source and a destination for women and children. * this includes America.
  • Women and Children trafficked for sexual exploitation generate tens of billions of dollars each year. *Human trafficking is the fastest growing criminal enterprise on the earth.
  • The price of a slave in 1850 (by todays currency) was $40,000. *today the average purchase price of a slave is $90.

Well if you are interesting in knowing more and maybe even helping or getting your on snazzy shirt of your own. Check out

There are so many organizations that are helping but I don't know what I can do. For now, all I can do is pray. Maybe I can actually go over seas and help someday?.. I think I would like that. Have you been on a missions trip? Maybe you could give me some websites I go to an amazing church but it's kind of little so we don't do missions trips. I would love to be involved with one and get the experience of selflessness. When I head off to college maybe I can keep my focus on what really matters. Jesus and Loving my neighbors as myself. ( which is by the way, way harder than it sounds) =)

Till next time hope you liked the glimpse into my mind.


Sunday, May 16, 2010

Busy Busy, Sorry

Sorry i haven't wrote in a long time I will definitely write soon though, I have alot to talk about =)
.:With Love:. Emily

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Is it you Jesus? You might have to yell i can be deaf at times!

[above image borrowed from Lori's blog, thanks]
Okay so I've been thinking allot lately about everything. Its summer so when I'm not trying to find something to do, i read and/or think. Well if you haven't read the above picture please do. after i read it, i had to wonder if i was willing. I want to be so bad. But when i honestly look into my self i have so many doubts.
Am i following the right voice?
Is this what Jesus wants me to do or is this me?
I realize this summer is passing so fast and I feel like i haven't really done anything. The last few weeks of Youth Group has been about the 'rebelution' telling that we are teens but that doesn't mean were to young to change things or live4him. Its about not believing what society tells us that we are strong and just because every1 else has the excuse of well its our teen years its what we do. We party. We have sex. We don't care about anything. Friends I need your prayer desperately i feel stuck in a rut and i have no place to move. Pray for me to hear God's voice I know he is yelling beside my head, running frantically past me waving both hands and I'm still so oblivious. I feel like i'm just coasting past my teen years and i don't want to do that anymore. I want to be open to have God do what ever he wants through me. With out me blocking him out [i like to think i don't but i'm trying to be honest here =) ] Now i don't expect to save the whole world but i want to try to change even little things in me to help me go in he right direction of helping not only myself but hopefully other people too. And Sarah thanks for the verse on your blog =) I looked up Micah 6:8 And what does the lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. so I figure i might as well start there to change my life =)
Wow this post has been allot of me just rambling and telling my thoughts! Thank you for putting up with my unfinished ideas and questions. And of course thank you for the prayer.
[also i now have the blogger mobile so I'm excited to try it, I promise No huge messages from my cell, i might break a finger ;) but some thoughts ever now and then from my day sounds reasonable ]
.:With Love:.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

put the book back.... =)

I love reading books. Yes when i find a boring moment in life and have nothing else to do (or want to do ;]) i will find myself curled up on my bed with a good book. So it was great when i walked into the christian book store and my eyes screened the area of amazing books that would draw me closer to God. (i like to think) I walked in briskly and quickly separated myself from my father to move faster in picking up a book glaring at the cover reading a few pages then deciding whether i should continue that book or not. If not, the same steps repeated until a few books are in my hand and i find a comfy chair =) Now as i watch my dad go up to the line to buy his books i make a quick check that i have everything. Side walk chalk (odd i know but its in my purse) wallet, money, phone, wait.. No phone.. Hmm i open it a little bit wider.. Nothing.
"Well this isn't good" I search in my purse a little more frantically. I then proceed to dump it out on a neighboring chair and stare inside it till their is no possibility a phone could be hiding in my pursue. I sigh as i get more anxious on maybe i did loose my phone. Now its already hot outside but some of the sweat forming on my forehead isn't only from the heat i search under my seat on the sides in the front, back, upside down! nothing. Okay so i breath i know its in that book store!
And im determined to find it!
Me and my dad combed that store pacing up and down racks of books and nothing is found. I talk to the cashier and let them know of my lost phone a brief description and a # to call if they find it.
Defeat is sinking in.
Agh I say a quick prayer in my mind for God to help me find this phone quickly! I then think of a book i had in my hand that i was thinking on buying. i decided against it because my dad called me to leave, not enough time for me to decide or put it back so i shoved it on the nearest shelf and proceeded to leave with my father. A weird conspiracy in my mind forms I bet this store is hiding my phone, i just know it is because i didn't put back that book! I wave the theory from my mind and keep combing the store for that darn phone. After 30 more minutes i was willing to leave the store, phone lost and all i just wanted my sweet sweet couch at home! Then the white book with little fishes floating on the front caught my eye. I laugh as it was the same book i shoved on the shelf to leave in a hurry. I fight with my self on whether to do the nice thing for the employees and put it back or not. Eventually i think why not put it back not like i'm going to be leaving any time soon. So i grab the book and try to remember what isle i grabbed it off of, i make a quick right and a sharp left and wha la i see where i picked it up from. And of course sitting right next to many other copies of the same book i held in my hand was my phone i had been searching for! Thank You Jesus races through my mind and i snatch the phone up and inform the cashier i found it Okay Okay you were right Jesus i should have put the book back in the first place.. =)
[Yes this was my day today but until next time my friends i'm so tired so i will post again soon hopefully]

.:With Love:.

Friday, June 12, 2009

I will read the book... eventually =)

So you know you haven't posted in awhile when you go to put in your password and your mind draws a blank... I tried a few in my mind, nothing. I think very hard and try a few more lucky one enters me into my beloved blog! and i realize i haven't been on or posted in such a long time, shame on me =). I guess i can start with updates cheer camp this week and I'm thinking about doing a double season cheer and XC? what do u guys think? Also i want to buy and read 10 dumb things smart Christians believe by Larry Osborne!! i will try to keep updates on how the book goes and if I'd refer it to others. I'm telling you of this so now someone knows my plans if it starts to get sucked up in summer laziness! Hopefully one of you will sweetly remind me that i just must read that book!!!
Summer... OOOoooo Yeah its been so great its going so fast!!! i just know school we be around the corner! haha so how has your summer been, anything new your trying?
.:With Love:.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Updates! Water Fun and Prom

[Hey everyone I know I'm a slacker BUT i have finally got these pictures on my computer so now i can happily share them with you! Also i'd like to thank for photographer my wonderful mother who followed me around when ever she could to snap a shot, she took so many this is barely 1/25 =)]

Okay the first two photos have nothing to do with Prom it was last week at my house just having some fun w/ friends

Yes all of us pose so nicely =) My face hurt so much after all these pics!
Abby and me

My date Ethan Becker
(and these pics are in no order lo their kinda backwards anyways)
More of me and Ethan

All the guys at Kendra's house

All us girls!

This is me and Ethan staring at the mesmerizing corsage

This is me pretending like i know what i'm doing

yes a lovely shot of my eyes close lol oh well =) and also still pretend i know how to put on that boutonniere... thankfully my mother did and came to the rescue!!
Well i hope you guys enjoyed the photos and i'll have a real post soon enough!
.:With Love:.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Prayer and Prom

Hey everyone sorry i haven't post in awhile!!! new updates are i've been invited to prom on the 18th so i've been scrambling to find a dress and other little nit bits here and there =) I will definitely post pictures for all of you when the day comes.
More importantly I ask for Prayer!
I'll start from the beginning my mom has worked for AT&T for 13years though that may not be long for some of you that's more than half my life ;) this Saturday AT&T is renewing their contract with the employee's. I don't know everything but let's just say that we hope they keep treating their employees fair. The worry is that they might cut some necessary items out to be cheap. Now let's think about this- At&t is a multi-billion dollar company we've all heard of them and their U-verse - So we are in a recession but their not hurting much.
Well saturday night my mom will know if their striking or not which could mean (we hope not long) but could go up to 3 months of no work. We trust in our lord and no matter what know we will get through ANYTHING untouched =) but we would love some prayer for the people in charge of all this making some big decisions that effect us.
If you could pray for them to do the best possible decision and wisdom.
Thank you so much for your prayer it means the world =)
.:With Love:.