Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Is it you Jesus? You might have to yell i can be deaf at times!

[above image borrowed from Lori's blog, thanks]
Okay so I've been thinking allot lately about everything. Its summer so when I'm not trying to find something to do, i read and/or think. Well if you haven't read the above picture please do. after i read it, i had to wonder if i was willing. I want to be so bad. But when i honestly look into my self i have so many doubts.
Am i following the right voice?
Is this what Jesus wants me to do or is this me?
I realize this summer is passing so fast and I feel like i haven't really done anything. The last few weeks of Youth Group has been about the 'rebelution' telling that we are teens but that doesn't mean were to young to change things or live4him. Its about not believing what society tells us that we are strong and just because every1 else has the excuse of well its our teen years its what we do. We party. We have sex. We don't care about anything. Friends I need your prayer desperately i feel stuck in a rut and i have no place to move. Pray for me to hear God's voice I know he is yelling beside my head, running frantically past me waving both hands and I'm still so oblivious. I feel like i'm just coasting past my teen years and i don't want to do that anymore. I want to be open to have God do what ever he wants through me. With out me blocking him out [i like to think i don't but i'm trying to be honest here =) ] Now i don't expect to save the whole world but i want to try to change even little things in me to help me go in he right direction of helping not only myself but hopefully other people too. And Sarah thanks for the verse on your blog =) I looked up Micah 6:8 And what does the lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. so I figure i might as well start there to change my life =)
Wow this post has been allot of me just rambling and telling my thoughts! Thank you for putting up with my unfinished ideas and questions. And of course thank you for the prayer.
[also i now have the blogger mobile so I'm excited to try it, I promise No huge messages from my cell, i might break a finger ;) but some thoughts ever now and then from my day sounds reasonable ]
.:With Love:.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

put the book back.... =)

I love reading books. Yes when i find a boring moment in life and have nothing else to do (or want to do ;]) i will find myself curled up on my bed with a good book. So it was great when i walked into the christian book store and my eyes screened the area of amazing books that would draw me closer to God. (i like to think) I walked in briskly and quickly separated myself from my father to move faster in picking up a book glaring at the cover reading a few pages then deciding whether i should continue that book or not. If not, the same steps repeated until a few books are in my hand and i find a comfy chair =) Now as i watch my dad go up to the line to buy his books i make a quick check that i have everything. Side walk chalk (odd i know but its in my purse) wallet, money, phone, wait.. No phone.. Hmm i open it a little bit wider.. Nothing.
"Well this isn't good" I search in my purse a little more frantically. I then proceed to dump it out on a neighboring chair and stare inside it till their is no possibility a phone could be hiding in my pursue. I sigh as i get more anxious on maybe i did loose my phone. Now its already hot outside but some of the sweat forming on my forehead isn't only from the heat i search under my seat on the sides in the front, back, upside down! nothing. Okay so i breath i know its in that book store!
And im determined to find it!
Me and my dad combed that store pacing up and down racks of books and nothing is found. I talk to the cashier and let them know of my lost phone a brief description and a # to call if they find it.
Defeat is sinking in.
Agh I say a quick prayer in my mind for God to help me find this phone quickly! I then think of a book i had in my hand that i was thinking on buying. i decided against it because my dad called me to leave, not enough time for me to decide or put it back so i shoved it on the nearest shelf and proceeded to leave with my father. A weird conspiracy in my mind forms I bet this store is hiding my phone, i just know it is because i didn't put back that book! I wave the theory from my mind and keep combing the store for that darn phone. After 30 more minutes i was willing to leave the store, phone lost and all i just wanted my sweet sweet couch at home! Then the white book with little fishes floating on the front caught my eye. I laugh as it was the same book i shoved on the shelf to leave in a hurry. I fight with my self on whether to do the nice thing for the employees and put it back or not. Eventually i think why not put it back not like i'm going to be leaving any time soon. So i grab the book and try to remember what isle i grabbed it off of, i make a quick right and a sharp left and wha la i see where i picked it up from. And of course sitting right next to many other copies of the same book i held in my hand was my phone i had been searching for! Thank You Jesus races through my mind and i snatch the phone up and inform the cashier i found it Okay Okay you were right Jesus i should have put the book back in the first place.. =)
[Yes this was my day today but until next time my friends i'm so tired so i will post again soon hopefully]

.:With Love:.

Friday, June 12, 2009

I will read the book... eventually =)

So you know you haven't posted in awhile when you go to put in your password and your mind draws a blank... I tried a few in my mind, nothing. I think very hard and try a few more lucky one enters me into my beloved blog! and i realize i haven't been on or posted in such a long time, shame on me =). I guess i can start with updates cheer camp this week and I'm thinking about doing a double season cheer and XC? what do u guys think? Also i want to buy and read 10 dumb things smart Christians believe by Larry Osborne!! i will try to keep updates on how the book goes and if I'd refer it to others. I'm telling you of this so now someone knows my plans if it starts to get sucked up in summer laziness! Hopefully one of you will sweetly remind me that i just must read that book!!!
Summer... OOOoooo Yeah its been so great its going so fast!!! i just know school we be around the corner! haha so how has your summer been, anything new your trying?
.:With Love:.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Updates! Water Fun and Prom

[Hey everyone I know I'm a slacker BUT i have finally got these pictures on my computer so now i can happily share them with you! Also i'd like to thank for photographer my wonderful mother who followed me around when ever she could to snap a shot, she took so many this is barely 1/25 =)]

Okay the first two photos have nothing to do with Prom it was last week at my house just having some fun w/ friends

Yes all of us pose so nicely =) My face hurt so much after all these pics!
Abby and me

My date Ethan Becker
(and these pics are in no order lo their kinda backwards anyways)
More of me and Ethan

All the guys at Kendra's house

All us girls!

This is me and Ethan staring at the mesmerizing corsage

This is me pretending like i know what i'm doing

yes a lovely shot of my eyes close lol oh well =) and also still pretend i know how to put on that boutonniere... thankfully my mother did and came to the rescue!!
Well i hope you guys enjoyed the photos and i'll have a real post soon enough!
.:With Love:.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Prayer and Prom

Hey everyone sorry i haven't post in awhile!!! new updates are i've been invited to prom on the 18th so i've been scrambling to find a dress and other little nit bits here and there =) I will definitely post pictures for all of you when the day comes.
More importantly I ask for Prayer!
I'll start from the beginning my mom has worked for AT&T for 13years though that may not be long for some of you that's more than half my life ;) this Saturday AT&T is renewing their contract with the employee's. I don't know everything but let's just say that we hope they keep treating their employees fair. The worry is that they might cut some necessary items out to be cheap. Now let's think about this- At&t is a multi-billion dollar company we've all heard of them and their U-verse - So we are in a recession but their not hurting much.
Well saturday night my mom will know if their striking or not which could mean (we hope not long) but could go up to 3 months of no work. We trust in our lord and no matter what know we will get through ANYTHING untouched =) but we would love some prayer for the people in charge of all this making some big decisions that effect us.
If you could pray for them to do the best possible decision and wisdom.
Thank you so much for your prayer it means the world =)
.:With Love:.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Wild Olive

So i just found this pretty cool site called wild olive (thanks sarah)
if you have time check it out and see what its all about

[also girls b-ball lost state but i'll will post later about that =/]
.:With Love:.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


My warning for today is : Do not speed.... you might get a ticket that takes away from your hard earned shopping money ='( Haha
Well on a more random note about my life cheer tryouts are this week and girls b-ball is going to STATE! yippee in Selina i think.. so that would be cool if they win i don't think E.H.S has won state since 1992 so we need one =)
On a scrumptious note i made it ALMOST a week with out eating meat... but me and Leslie couldn't resist Lori's amazing meat lasagna so we decided to fail together ( It was delicious by the way ;] )

So it's tuesday and my first two hours in school started out with tests. Not. Very. Fun. SO to make up for the bad start of the day i'm going to bunker down grab possibly a good book some flamin hot cheetos and some tea for a good read/nap. I will try to post soon and do any of you have any good books you'd recommend? Please let me know and i'd love to check them out!

.:With Love:.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

How do vegetarians survive?

So in my nutrient and wellness class we're learning about vegans, vegetarians, octo-vegetarians the whole milking bowl! Well as i sit there arguing with a fellow student that it was possible to be a vegetarian for a week and that anyone could do it, I some how got thrown into a competition of sorts with three friends to see if we could really be a vegetarian for a week. Maressa (are first contestant) has already failed i'm sad to announce but me and leslie are holding strong.. Kinda ;) I would like all of you to praise the Lord for the selection of food you have!! I have no clue how vegetarian survive, i mean really, i come home from school, mouth watering, tinny girl wanting MEAT! i can't help it i'm a carnivore =) So after i proudly and hopefully concure this week of leafy greens I will tell you all about my amazing steak at the end!
On another less hungry note I'm kinda excited about trying the IHOP( internation house of prayer) thing. I want to go one of these weeks its a little ways away but i think it'll be worth it. My school needs lots and lots of prayer *hint**hint**nudge**nudge*
Well anyways you can read about what's going on at and is another thing you guys should check out. (and hopefully it won't take you to a pancake restaurant) =)

On a cheerleading note- I've started partner stunting where its just 2 people one girl and one guy insted of 4 girls,I'm a work in progress but I am pretty excited we're tring to get male YELLleaders (heheh they don't like to be called cheerleaders) for next year.. Wish me luck!

“Now, hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes, for what is seen? But, if we hope, for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience”
(Romans 8: 24)

.:With Love:.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Ramblings of my life

So i don't have anything really to talk about so i'm going to ramble about my day today and my day to be! First off, today might be monopoly day! Yippy! me and my friend terry every now and then just get together to play monopoly we recruit people every now and them but as many of you may know monopoly can be very time consuming. I enjoy it, i know i'm a freak! it can't be helped ;) On another note our little middle schooler cheerleaders have a competition tomorrow and me and a couple of other girls are going to help spot them when they go out there to do their thing! After that its off to Cheese cake factory (it's abby's, maressa AND callies b-day) combine 3 girls birthdays, cheesecake, and laser tag... we hoping for a fun night! Well i just had to write in my blog but i must go because i have a hopefully last b-ball game to cheer at tonight which i should have left Oh.. 2 minutes ago ;) Well I must run but don't worry i'm planning on writing a little note for myself on my left hand to not forget about my Lord in this hectic life!

.:With Love:.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I love faces

This is my B and W photo of my friend on our way to a FBLA meet =) to look at more beautiful black and white photos go to (

.:With Love:.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

No no no Drama

"Don't pull on my hand boy you aint my man boy, you don't want no drama no no no drama"

"I was sure by now,God, that You would have reached down
and wiped our tears away,
stepped in and saved the day.
But once again, I say amen
and it's still raining
as the thunder rolls
I barely hear You whisper through the rain,
I'm with you
and as Your mercy falls
I raise my hands and praise
the God who gives and takes away
And I'll praise you in this storm
and I will lift my hands
for You are who You are
no matter where I am
and every tear I've cried
You hold in your hand
You never left my side
and though my heart is torn
I will praise You in this storm"

Sorry for the long intro guys but these two songs are pretty much describing my life right now. I would just like to thank my friends and most importantly my Lord Jesus because If i didn't have him I'd be in a two day crying spree hiding in my room probably right now. BUT since my God is so good all my troubles and stress being thrown at my face by my school, teachers, parents, and boys are nothing. Not nothing like their not there, but man my Lord has just giving me this amazing peace, that maybe what happened wasn't right but everythings going to be okay. And i've had a pretty fun week so far =)
On a less happier note my contacts were driving me crazy today, i've had worse days but i think i might have had put my contact in backwards or something was in it and the dryness was not helping! Either way in my 7th hour of school my friend in front of me offered eye drops and a container. I was extremely grateful but figuring that i only had 15 minutes until school let out I figured my left eye could take just a little bit more!
Ooo Also i found this super cool blog that's.. I love faces and its a photo blog pretty much, its a really cool thing for people who enjoy taking photographs and you don't even have to be amazing. I'll post more about it later, once i actually find out more! haha

.:With Love:.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I think I got it!

I'm happy to announce I finally got my layout figured out and I now have a knew one as you can tell! =D I have a few more kinks to work out with changing my font to a color you can actually see! I will do it manually for now until I can figure out how to actually Html it in haha So I was thinking about Prayer and the Bible, a guest speaker came to my church he was talking about how he was in the soviet union when it was still communist and how he lost his bible and God being the great God he is supplied him miraculously with one. He talked about how he sat next to a person smuggling in bibles and how he saw it was new and thought she doesn't need that bible, the pages are sticking together, she doesn't even use it. She gave him that bible and that was just what he needed God put that right in front of him. As I came home I kept thinking back to what he said about the pages sticking together and how she doesn't even use it when people are hungering to read God's word. Guilt washed over me as I realize I don't read my bible as much as I need to. Actually very rarely do I actually sit and read the bible for a long amount of time. I'm sure i'm not the only one that has the problem that when you actually have a moment out of our normally hectic day, something always comes up. It's amazing how the devil does anything to keep us away from God's word! I suddenly have to take shower, my homework has to be done that i've been putting off, I need to do laundry or I'll have nothing to wear, I have to go shopping I need that new shirt NOW or it will be gone tomorrow. I'm all of the sudden extremely tired, If you ever want to go to bed early and your not tired try reading the bible. Not only is the bible kinda complex and at some times dull but someone else wants you to fall asleep and not read that message. So fellow Bloggers, I do not read my bible as much as I need to, and I'm going to try to start reading it more regularly. We can do it together and I will try to keep you all posted =)

.:With Love:.


Tuesday, February 17, 2009


As I sit in my 3rd hour class and I wonder if I should focus my whole attention on my nice teacher who is lecturing at the front of my class. I should be taking notes, learning, taking in all of the subject for my future tests. All this is running at the back of my mind yet I can not help but to quickly check my Blog and make a quick post! ^.^ Well I don't know if it's just my computer I happen to be using or if I did mess up the side template of my blog. Hopefully all of you fellow bloggers see green and not a weird white area. I'm trying to update my Blog, add new Gadgets and make it more spiffy =) I apologize for not posting frequently sometimes I just don't have time, some day i will become a good multitasker haha I also don't have any amazing Godly words today nothing has hit me on the head but when it does i will be sure to post it and share it with you all. And i think i should let you all know i played my first game of scattergories and it was amazing fun and I advise you all to play sometime!!! If you do not own the game inform me or your next birthday and I will gladly buy it for you =) Well untill next time!


Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Winners of best dress had to dance down the isle for a prize
Colton dances wildly (very funny by the way)
He does a dramic through of his tie and...
this is were it goes =)
Getting ready =)
math teacher and cody hahah
Punch time
some random stuff =)

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Just Dance!

Formal Dance was tonight, it was okay nothing TO special. Kinda wish I could have danced more and took pictures less but hey i like to doing both so i can't complain =) IHOP pancakes were pretty good, I recommend them to.. everyone! I will have dance pictures and some other random stuff hopefully by monday! Until then i must write a rough draft 5page english paper...NOT cool. That will be all of my tomorrow haha Wish me Luck!
I'll post Asap with love,

Monday, February 2, 2009

My thoughts for the day..

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

This serenity prayer is a little oval message hanging from my key chain so i tend to glance at it every once in awhile =) I was having a few confusing days this week just little problems. And I found my self doing it again - just thinking of me, worrying about me! Well Lori if you every read this I was want to say thank you because one of your post pretty much smacked me in the face and pushed me in the right direction again =) and i couldn't be more happy. I was extremely stressed I just felt that everything was on my shoulders and their was just decisions i had to make every moment and I just could do it, my head was going to pop off! Well luckily I read Lori's blog on Adoption and all these troubles these young children have to go through. I thought about my problems and realize they were nothing! My problems are not gone but now i'm not trying to track through the snow on my own anymore instead i'm just going to follow God's path he's already made for me =) I just have to keep reminding myself whenever i feel stressed/down that people around me are going through hard things too and mine are not the hardest. And I'm not alone in anything I do, I can do anything through christ who strengthens me

My little tip for the day is Pray and Trust God and remember were not alone.. (It helps so so much!)

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Flamin Hot Cheetos

Hey! So i'm sorry i haven't written in awhile, I've been meaning too but really nothing out of the ordinary has happened to me! ^.^ Yesterday i had another B-ball game and i was a bit nervous, i think what got to me was passing through metal detectors to get into the school and thinking i was going to get mugged or shanked haha but i am alive and i do thank God! So this Ghetto team was really good we lost 96-45, but i am totally okay with that because as me and my friend walked to the concession stands and red bag catches my eye and i gasp! Flamin Hot Cheetos (which are absolutely amazing) I haven't had them in while so of course i had to buy some! And yes there were amazing the only thing that could make in better is some Grape Juice. (haha sarah) Yes, Grape Juice. You should try it, its very Very Tasty! So i'll try to post more often!


Friday, January 23, 2009

Confessions of a teenage drama queen (remix)

So i guess i should poor my heart and soul and thought into this blog so here goes but before i continue with my story I would like you too look to the pictures on your left and as you might realize you she a petite mexican girl! My confession (for today ;] ) is tomorrow i am planning on going tanning .. Yes Yes i know why in the world would i want to go! Well the real reason is not exactly to get tan but in the fact that I can say i have been at least once! And if it puts any of your minds at rest i'm going to as little time as possibly and hopefully the place i'm going I won't spend more than $3 dollars so i think i can handle it! Also if i happen (with my luck) to get trapped inside a tanning machine and get burned to an orange crisp, I will post pics and it will make an excellent blog story/adventure!

With love, Emily

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Its hard to remember your not the only one in the world!

As i walk into my door from Youth Group tonight (if anyone is interested the message was about confidence and how the world puts it on things that don't matter like - Appearance, Intelligence, and Talent.) I found my mother sitting down watching t.v (which is actually a shocker ;] ) and although i only caught the last remnants of the neighbor helping a neighbor television show, it actually got me thinking. It was as if a blanket of... emotion came over me and I thought about all the people I don't remember.. and i say remember because it is not that i don't care about the hungry, the lost, and the poor but its like i'm so wrapped up in my live, in my activities, in MY agenda. It made me sad to just think about it. Everyday I think too much of myself i'm so busy i don't have time to think about the homeless on the street or the poor that have 2 jobs to feed their family. I'm too busy to see the person next to me! Now i know i'm not going to turn into superman, start flying and shooting lazers out of my eyes helping people BUT i can work at my life to be less Me centered if that makes since, haha. I pray to God to help me find in my life to love, help, and to be able to remember not just ME. =)

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Faith is moving w/ out knowing

"Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain."

1 Corinthians 15:58

Stand firm.. Well let me tell you what, that's harder to do then to say! Wow life comes at you hard but "faith is moving without knowing." (Good song by Fireflight) Do you ever have those moments, maybe a clear night and you can see the stars, oh so perfectly. And its almost like God sweeps into you and peace is just w/ you. Or maybe your surrounded by friends huddled by a camp fire on a cold night and you just stare at the flame. I have an eye opener every once in awhile and God knows i'm so greatful for them. Usually God's trying to tell me to stop trying to do things on my own. Its hard for me to stand firm and not do everything the worlds doing! So that's what i'm going to focus on! Trying to live my life not for myself so much =)

New Blogger

Well this is my first blog post. I'm actually pretty excited and not very sure what to say. I guess i'll start out with telling my name - Emily. =) Lori a member of my church got me interested in blogging. Her blog which i have been reading lately is quite amazing. How she tells her life story, the good and the bad. And I see her life and how she lives with Gods through her blogs, Which i find very interesting! haha Well i don't know how to navigate all this stuff, but hopefully after messing with it some i'll pick it up soon.