Monday, April 27, 2009

Updates! Water Fun and Prom

[Hey everyone I know I'm a slacker BUT i have finally got these pictures on my computer so now i can happily share them with you! Also i'd like to thank for photographer my wonderful mother who followed me around when ever she could to snap a shot, she took so many this is barely 1/25 =)]

Okay the first two photos have nothing to do with Prom it was last week at my house just having some fun w/ friends

Yes all of us pose so nicely =) My face hurt so much after all these pics!
Abby and me

My date Ethan Becker
(and these pics are in no order lo their kinda backwards anyways)
More of me and Ethan

All the guys at Kendra's house

All us girls!

This is me and Ethan staring at the mesmerizing corsage

This is me pretending like i know what i'm doing

yes a lovely shot of my eyes close lol oh well =) and also still pretend i know how to put on that boutonniere... thankfully my mother did and came to the rescue!!
Well i hope you guys enjoyed the photos and i'll have a real post soon enough!
.:With Love:.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Prayer and Prom

Hey everyone sorry i haven't post in awhile!!! new updates are i've been invited to prom on the 18th so i've been scrambling to find a dress and other little nit bits here and there =) I will definitely post pictures for all of you when the day comes.
More importantly I ask for Prayer!
I'll start from the beginning my mom has worked for AT&T for 13years though that may not be long for some of you that's more than half my life ;) this Saturday AT&T is renewing their contract with the employee's. I don't know everything but let's just say that we hope they keep treating their employees fair. The worry is that they might cut some necessary items out to be cheap. Now let's think about this- At&t is a multi-billion dollar company we've all heard of them and their U-verse - So we are in a recession but their not hurting much.
Well saturday night my mom will know if their striking or not which could mean (we hope not long) but could go up to 3 months of no work. We trust in our lord and no matter what know we will get through ANYTHING untouched =) but we would love some prayer for the people in charge of all this making some big decisions that effect us.
If you could pray for them to do the best possible decision and wisdom.
Thank you so much for your prayer it means the world =)
.:With Love:.