Thursday, March 12, 2009

Wild Olive

So i just found this pretty cool site called wild olive (thanks sarah)
if you have time check it out and see what its all about

[also girls b-ball lost state but i'll will post later about that =/]
.:With Love:.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


My warning for today is : Do not speed.... you might get a ticket that takes away from your hard earned shopping money ='( Haha
Well on a more random note about my life cheer tryouts are this week and girls b-ball is going to STATE! yippee in Selina i think.. so that would be cool if they win i don't think E.H.S has won state since 1992 so we need one =)
On a scrumptious note i made it ALMOST a week with out eating meat... but me and Leslie couldn't resist Lori's amazing meat lasagna so we decided to fail together ( It was delicious by the way ;] )

So it's tuesday and my first two hours in school started out with tests. Not. Very. Fun. SO to make up for the bad start of the day i'm going to bunker down grab possibly a good book some flamin hot cheetos and some tea for a good read/nap. I will try to post soon and do any of you have any good books you'd recommend? Please let me know and i'd love to check them out!

.:With Love:.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

How do vegetarians survive?

So in my nutrient and wellness class we're learning about vegans, vegetarians, octo-vegetarians the whole milking bowl! Well as i sit there arguing with a fellow student that it was possible to be a vegetarian for a week and that anyone could do it, I some how got thrown into a competition of sorts with three friends to see if we could really be a vegetarian for a week. Maressa (are first contestant) has already failed i'm sad to announce but me and leslie are holding strong.. Kinda ;) I would like all of you to praise the Lord for the selection of food you have!! I have no clue how vegetarian survive, i mean really, i come home from school, mouth watering, tinny girl wanting MEAT! i can't help it i'm a carnivore =) So after i proudly and hopefully concure this week of leafy greens I will tell you all about my amazing steak at the end!
On another less hungry note I'm kinda excited about trying the IHOP( internation house of prayer) thing. I want to go one of these weeks its a little ways away but i think it'll be worth it. My school needs lots and lots of prayer *hint**hint**nudge**nudge*
Well anyways you can read about what's going on at and is another thing you guys should check out. (and hopefully it won't take you to a pancake restaurant) =)

On a cheerleading note- I've started partner stunting where its just 2 people one girl and one guy insted of 4 girls,I'm a work in progress but I am pretty excited we're tring to get male YELLleaders (heheh they don't like to be called cheerleaders) for next year.. Wish me luck!

“Now, hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes, for what is seen? But, if we hope, for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience”
(Romans 8: 24)

.:With Love:.