Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The unknown worlds...

I cannot sleep. I probably should be in bed right now, because I will have school tomorrow no matter how much I wish it away. but since I am awake I might as well write a little. I won't write a lot but I figured I should write something cause some people may say I'm slacking ^.^ only by a few months. If any of you are interested in the "woes" of my heart at the moment. You should know I am senior in H.s. so which college, tuition, and if I'm choosing to do what God leads me to do is always on my mind. And man is it stressing. I know I have to trust God for all of this and everything will be okay in the end. But its always nice to vent sometimes. =) Good thing you guys are here! Another thing that has been really bothering me lately is Human trafficking. Which usually I'm not going to lie is almost never on my mind, but I was looking through some websites. And the more I read on it the more sick to my stomach I was. I was infuriated with these men and people who would dare think this is okay. I was frustrated that I couldn't do anything to help. I was mad, that I was enjoying life almost carefree compared to a little girl used everyday for something I couldn't even imagine. I was just mad and stuck. So what do I do? I cried. I prayed. And I bought a t-shirt to support an organization. With the t-shirt was a little thing about stats, would you like to hear some?
  • At least 27 million people are currently enslaved around the globe. 75% of them are enslaved for sexual exploitation. *another person is bought or sold every 8 SECONDS. And every 30 seconds, that victim is a child.
  • Each year over 600,000 people are trafficked across international borders for the purpose of sexual exploitation. * 80% of these are female. 50% are children.
  • Nearly every country on the face of the earth is involved in the global sex trade both as a source and a destination for women and children. * this includes America.
  • Women and Children trafficked for sexual exploitation generate tens of billions of dollars each year. *Human trafficking is the fastest growing criminal enterprise on the earth.
  • The price of a slave in 1850 (by todays currency) was $40,000. *today the average purchase price of a slave is $90.

Well if you are interesting in knowing more and maybe even helping or getting your on snazzy shirt of your own. Check out

There are so many organizations that are helping but I don't know what I can do. For now, all I can do is pray. Maybe I can actually go over seas and help someday?.. I think I would like that. Have you been on a missions trip? Maybe you could give me some websites I go to an amazing church but it's kind of little so we don't do missions trips. I would love to be involved with one and get the experience of selflessness. When I head off to college maybe I can keep my focus on what really matters. Jesus and Loving my neighbors as myself. ( which is by the way, way harder than it sounds) =)

Till next time hope you liked the glimpse into my mind.


1 comment:

  1. Oh, sounds like God is really stirring your heart on this issue. Human trafficking is a HUGE problem in our world. Huge. It is a chilling issue that doesn't get near enough attention. Keep praying and God will lead you to what He wants you to do.

    I love your heart!
