Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Flamin Hot Cheetos

Hey! So i'm sorry i haven't written in awhile, I've been meaning too but really nothing out of the ordinary has happened to me! ^.^ Yesterday i had another B-ball game and i was a bit nervous, i think what got to me was passing through metal detectors to get into the school and thinking i was going to get mugged or shanked haha but i am alive and i do thank God! So this Ghetto team was really good we lost 96-45, but i am totally okay with that because as me and my friend walked to the concession stands and red bag catches my eye and i gasp! Flamin Hot Cheetos (which are absolutely amazing) I haven't had them in while so of course i had to buy some! And yes there were amazing the only thing that could make in better is some Grape Juice. (haha sarah) Yes, Grape Juice. You should try it, its very Very Tasty! So i'll try to post more often!


Friday, January 23, 2009

Confessions of a teenage drama queen (remix)

So i guess i should poor my heart and soul and thought into this blog so here goes but before i continue with my story I would like you too look to the pictures on your left and as you might realize you she a petite mexican girl! My confession (for today ;] ) is tomorrow i am planning on going tanning .. Yes Yes i know why in the world would i want to go! Well the real reason is not exactly to get tan but in the fact that I can say i have been at least once! And if it puts any of your minds at rest i'm going to as little time as possibly and hopefully the place i'm going I won't spend more than $3 dollars so i think i can handle it! Also if i happen (with my luck) to get trapped inside a tanning machine and get burned to an orange crisp, I will post pics and it will make an excellent blog story/adventure!

With love, Emily

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Its hard to remember your not the only one in the world!

As i walk into my door from Youth Group tonight (if anyone is interested the message was about confidence and how the world puts it on things that don't matter like - Appearance, Intelligence, and Talent.) I found my mother sitting down watching t.v (which is actually a shocker ;] ) and although i only caught the last remnants of the neighbor helping a neighbor television show, it actually got me thinking. It was as if a blanket of... emotion came over me and I thought about all the people I don't remember.. and i say remember because it is not that i don't care about the hungry, the lost, and the poor but its like i'm so wrapped up in my live, in my activities, in MY agenda. It made me sad to just think about it. Everyday I think too much of myself i'm so busy i don't have time to think about the homeless on the street or the poor that have 2 jobs to feed their family. I'm too busy to see the person next to me! Now i know i'm not going to turn into superman, start flying and shooting lazers out of my eyes helping people BUT i can work at my life to be less Me centered if that makes since, haha. I pray to God to help me find in my life to love, help, and to be able to remember not just ME. =)

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Faith is moving w/ out knowing

"Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain."

1 Corinthians 15:58

Stand firm.. Well let me tell you what, that's harder to do then to say! Wow life comes at you hard but "faith is moving without knowing." (Good song by Fireflight) Do you ever have those moments, maybe a clear night and you can see the stars, oh so perfectly. And its almost like God sweeps into you and peace is just w/ you. Or maybe your surrounded by friends huddled by a camp fire on a cold night and you just stare at the flame. I have an eye opener every once in awhile and God knows i'm so greatful for them. Usually God's trying to tell me to stop trying to do things on my own. Its hard for me to stand firm and not do everything the worlds doing! So that's what i'm going to focus on! Trying to live my life not for myself so much =)

New Blogger

Well this is my first blog post. I'm actually pretty excited and not very sure what to say. I guess i'll start out with telling my name - Emily. =) Lori a member of my church got me interested in blogging. Her blog which i have been reading lately is quite amazing. How she tells her life story, the good and the bad. And I see her life and how she lives with Gods through her blogs, Which i find very interesting! haha Well i don't know how to navigate all this stuff, but hopefully after messing with it some i'll pick it up soon.